vudu is the swiss knife of Solana

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  • Go to market faster
  • Perform powerful automations for you and your users
  • No more hassle of managing multiple DeFi APIs, documentations and smart contracts to do what you want to do
  • Easy and flexible queries to get what you’re looking for on our indexed databases. No need for SQL knowledge
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import vudu from 'vudu' vudu.initialize("... ...") let ethPrice ='orca').fetchPrice({ token: "ETH", unit: "USDC" }); if(ethPrice > 2000){"mango").short({ value: 5, asset: "ETH", })"drift").long({ value: 5, asset: "ETH", }) }; vudu.DB.table("contracts").findAll({ where: { isNFT: true, address: "longSolanaAddress" } });